

Packaging the
Perfect Pint

How a product is packaged is vital in creating a favourable perception of its quality and taste. Food and drink companies spend thousands of pounds focusing on this one aspect of a product, and packaging a pint should be no different. Why invest expertise and effort in creating the ‘perfect pint’ for it to be ruined by being served in a dirty glass, leading to customer dissatisfaction.

Expertise in glass cleaning results

At Crystaltech, we take great pride in our expertise as the UK’s largest independent warewashing service company. With Derek Maher as a leading expert, we specialise in achieving perfect glass cleaning results within the pub, bar, and catering industry. Drawing from years of experience, we have been working closely with major UK pub operators, helping them attain optimum glass washing solutions and earning them award-winning results.

Ensuring hygiene and quality

Glasswashers and dishwashers can be the main source of cross-contamination within the catering environment if the right combination of chemicals and temperature is not achieved. Impure water can cause cloudiness, and manual polishing increases germ transfer.

“Many glasswasher detergents are too caustic and cause cloudy-looking etching on glasses or are too weak, leaving behind unhygienic residual dirt/proteins, resulting in poor head retention – flat beer. Many of the major brewers and pub operators have identified this problem and insist that managers renovate their glasses regularly,” says Derek.

Revolutionising glass renovation

Until recently, the glass renovation process required the use of chlorine-based powdered chemicals, demanding hours of washing and an additional rinse to remove the powdered residue. The introduction by Derek of a liquid renovate has saved many wasted operational hours, as it can be connected to the automatic detergent feed of the glasswasher. Derek recommends renovating glasses regularly or continuously to remove protein, beer, and wine residues. He has also developed his own reverse osmosis system, which requires fewer chemicals at lower temperatures, delivering perfect results and reducing the need for cleaning chemicals by 70%.

Our partnership with fullers

We have worked with Fullers for decades and have helped them achieve award-winning results for their glasses across their premises. We proposed a way of operating using a chlorine chemical to lower wash temperatures and ultimately save money. Working with Fuller’s trade quality team, we have significantly improved the results of glass cleaning, reduced power consumption, and lowered their carbon footprint across 160 of their pub sites. They have since become the benchmark for the cleanliness of glasses.

Leading glasswashing standards

Such is our knowledge and experience in this field that we were commissioned to write the guidelines on glass cleaning for independent pub auditor, Cask Marque. Our dedication to promoting industry standards and elevating the art of glass cleaning sets us apart as a recognized authority in this field.

At Crystaltech, we continue to lead the way in achieving flawless glass washing results, enhancing customer experiences, and setting new benchmarks for cleanliness and quality.
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